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About Re-Vita' Life

Re-Vita' Life is the result of Dr. Joann Richichi's years of experience as Doctor of Osteopathy, which means that she learned to include manual medicine therapies in the treatment of her patients. 

After years of working with clients suffering from menopause and andropause, and after going through a debilitating change herself, Dr. Richichi realized it was time for more options to treat her patients. 

She tried a variety of systems and then discovered what she dubbed "Re-Vita' Life" to help revitalize you in your golden years. 

"While growing old is not an option feeling old is" 

Age is just a number and the supplements and pellets in the Re-Vita' Life line can help you get your life back. Results vary from patient to patient but most see a dramatic increase in energy, mental clarity and much more. 

Bio-identical hormone therapy is a proven medical technique to help regulate hormones in patients. Pellets inserted under the skin allow us to monitor effects and ensure that all hormones are properly distributed to the patient. This mimics the natural secretion of hormones and can help patients feel younger, lose weight and even experience signs of reverse aging in some cases. 

Our supplement line is desgined to support the bio-identical hormone therapy pellets but can also be used to support a healthy lifestyle. 

All of our supplements are organic, gluten-free and made with the highest quality ingredients.